FPM monitors the market by identifying cases of piracy, reporting them to the police, collaborating on a technical level throughout the country and giving adequate visibility to anti-piracy operations. FPM also creates a series of communication initiatives aimed at the distribution channel and the consumer to inform about the risks and dangers of the illegal products.
In order to report cases of piracy or to request information, you can send a message to info@fpm-antipiracy.it .
Music Piracy
Music piracy is an illegal phenomenon of significant proportions and with worldwide repercussions. The term "piracy" usually means the voluntary violation of copyright for specific profit or commercial purposes.
In the music sector, the term generally applies to unauthorized reproduction, a crime that can be divided into the following categories:
- Unauthorized reproduction: the duplication of an original musical work without the consent of the owner of the rights and for profit.
- Counterfeiting: it's the most sophisticated form of piracy, which also generates other serious crimes against the final consumer, such as, for example, commercial fraud. Counterfeit products are completely identical to the original including logos, holograms of authenticity and what is necessary to be sold as original products.
- Rental: any form of transfer in use for a limited period of time and for the purpose of obtaining a direct or indirect economic benefit of originals, copies or media of musical works protected by copyright without the authorization of the owner of the rights.
The New Musical Frontier
Internet is the main hub for the distribution of illegal music: new technologies make it possible to distribute and download songs in minutes without special skills or sophisticated equipment. Typical network components such as anonymity, the immediate availability of the desired files, the absence of physical barriers and speed, have caused an exponential increase in the dissemination of illegal music.
This form of piracy is often the result of a lot of strategic actions by those criminal organizations that are directing their business to the wwb and its easy profits.
In recent years we have witnessed the birth of a legal online music market that helps to fight the phenomenon: there are hundreds of online stores that sell digital singles or albums, as well as numerous streaming platforms (both audio and video) through which today it is possible to legally access entire catalogs on a global scale with extremely low costs to enjoy all the music you want.
Content Protection
These new digital challenges have forced a global rethinking of anti-piracy activities, pushing FPM towards new forms of right protection. Today, all actions to combat the phenomenon of unauthorized use and making available of music through the internet are carried out taking into account the new business models linked to the legitimate digital market, integrating and completing them. Voluntary agreements with digital platforms and the use of sophisticated technologies have become the predominant part of the anti-piracy activity.
In parallel with its removal and de-indexing activity, FPM has continued on the path of inhibiting access to illegal sites. The IP & DNS blocks of large illegal portals - a strategy adopted for the first time worldwide in Italy with the case of Pirate Bay in 2008 - made it possible to reduce the total number of accesses to the various bit torrent platforms by 11%, compared to a generalized growth of 15% worldwide.
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