Great news for the Italian Official Charts Top of the Music by Fimi/GFK: the new methodology starting from the first week of 2024 has been presented during the Milan Music Week, which Fimi is the promoter for the seventh year in a row.
The Italian Top of the Music charts have been launched for the first time in 1995; they constitute the only official reference on the Italian market and have always adapted to technological evolutions and mutations in consumption: 2024 will mark a great turning point in the streaming area, because after a few years of interruption is now again part of the monitoring Ad-Supported Streaming Audio and above all, for the first time in Italy, the Video Streaming format is now introduced.
Three will be the charts processed by the Point of Sales Tracking service of GFK Italia: Top 100 Album & Compilation (including: album on physical support (e.g. CD, vinyl), digital download, Premium and Ad-Suported Audio Streaming), Top 20 CDs, Vinyls and Cassettes (which replaces the previous Top 20 Vinyl and which includes albums on physical support) and Top 100 Singles (which comprehend songs with the highest number of downloads and with the highest number of listening to audio and video streaming, both premium and ad-supported).
The other great innovation that will be applied is the methodology used for the inclusion of streaming listeners within the FIMI/GfK Top of The Music charts: this is the "Economic Weighting Model", according to which the contribution to the streaming chart is commensurate with the economic value generated by the two dominant streaming formats (ad-supported or free, and subscription, paid or premium streams), to which a different weight is assigned based on the respective economic factors.
Based on the average value of ad-supported streaming and streaming premium, the streaming conversion rate is defined, i.e. the ratio between ad-supported streaming and premium streaming.
The sales thresholds valid for certification purposes remain unchanged, as well as the rules for groupings, bundles and freebies, live events and in-stores.
The 2024 methodological note will be available on the FIMI website starting from week 01/2024 and will replace the current one. In order to view the archive of previous methodological notes, please consult the footer menu of the linked section.