The results of the first Italian survey on the relationship between music and artificial intelligence, conducted by Giffoni Innovation Hub, assisted by FIMI (the Italian Music Industry Federation) and the Municipality of Naples, were presented yesterday morning. Launched on the occasion of the Digital Music Forum in Naples on June 20, the survey explored the musical consumption of the younger generations, questioning for the first time what they think of the industry's horizon and listening to their opinions about the future of music, new technologies, and artificial intelligence.
A total of 2,790 users (65% women, 33% men, and 3% others) provided their answers; 70% of them correspond to Generation Z.
Half of the Gen Z interviewed (49%) do not think that artists will be replaced by AI in the future, as art is only a human prerogative; this figure rises to 70% in adults. A large group of under-34s (37%) think that artists will be replaced to the detriment of creativity, a position that in adults stands at 25%. The replacement of artificial intelligence for the benefit of the music industry is detected in 14% of young respondents and in 5% of over-34s. All the interviewees declare that they do not recognize an AI as a musical artist; adults also specify that only humans can create art.
And to the question "Would you use AI to create music?" the balance between the negative and the affirmative answer is equal in both age groups; moreover, 10% of under-34s declare that they have already used AI to create music.
"The survey confirms not only the attention that the theme of artificial intelligence receives among music fans" comments the CEO of FIMI, Enzo Mazza "but also how much human creativity is considered fundamental and irreplaceable".