Italian music dominates FIMI/GfK charts, conquering both the top tens of the best-selling Albums and the best-selling Singles in the first half of the year (31st December 2021 - 30th June 2022).

At the top of the Album chart (physical + digital + premium audio streaming) there is Rkomi's Taxi Driver (it's also best-selling album of the year 2021), followed in second place by Blu celeste by Blanco and by Sirio di Lazza in third one. .
The Eurovision participant Brividi hit by Mahmood & Blanco stands out in first place in the Singles chart (download + premium audio streaming), in a completely Sanremo podium: in second position there is Sangiovanni's Farfalle and in third place there's Dove si balla by Dargen Friend.
The best-selling Vinyl in the first half of 2022 is also in Italian language: Virus by Noyz Narcos stands out on a top ten as per tradition made up of great classic albums and more recent releases.
Find here all the charts.